Scripting Guide - Show Playtime Script

This script will display the total playtime for a player in minutes

  • First, you will need to create a script that adds to users playtime

    ex - "/god editscript playtime"

    Enter this code:

    Sub Main()
    Dim Loop As Long

    For Loop = 1 To GetMaxUsers()
             If IsPlaying(Loop) = True Then
             End If
         Next Loop

    End Sub

  • Next, you will need to make it so that the Playtime script runs every minute

    ex - "/god editscript minutetimer"

    Enter this code:


  • Then, you will need to make it so that playtime displays when a player types "/playtime"

    ex - "/god editscript command"

    Enter this code:

    Case "playtime"

  • Last, you will need to create the ShowPlaytime Script

    ex - "/god editscript showplaytime"

    Enter this code:

    Sub Main(Player As Long)
    Dim Days As Long, Hours As Long, Minutes As Long, Flag As Long

    Flag = GetPlayerFlag(Player, 667)

    PlayerMessage(Player, "You've played: " + str(Flag) + " minutes.", White)
    End Sub

    *Submitted by Jamie Ryan